My name is Sean M. Montgomery. Born in Northern California, I live and work as a new media artist, instructor and engineer in New York City. My work takes a transdisciplinary look at the human condition. Using research methodologies combined with emerging technologies, my work examines the changing relationship between the physical and metaphysical world. While finishing my Ph.D. in neuroscience (see my publications), I began to consider the fact that from the perspective of a neuron inside the human brain, both a cold winter day and the embrace of a loved one feels like a sequence of electrical impulses. Thinking about the development of new technologies as a lens to let viewers trace back to their own biological existence and reflect on their most basic connection to the world around them, I look forward to exploring how technology can enhance our understanding of ourselves and create new ways for people to interact with one another and the objects around them.
More information about my engineering work can be found at: